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Overtaxed Detroit Homeowners Wait for Reparations

Over-assessed Detroit homeowners are waiting for compensation from the city. Between 2010 and 2016, the city of Detroit overtaxed homeowners by at least $600 million. Detroit City Council President and the Coalition for Property Tax Justice have set forth a tentative plan for compensation and restoration of residents’ dignity. The illegal overassessments led to 100,000 Detroiters losing their homes when they should not have. The state constitution states that property can not be assessed at more than 50% of its market value, and yet the city assessed 55%-85% of its property in violation of that law. There are four categories of residents that are eligible for compensation if they owned and occupied a home that was overtaxed between 2009 and 2020. Depending on the category residents fall under, a variety of compensation options are available to fit their individual needs.





Michigan’s Rental Aid is Backlogged as Need Continues Rise

173,000 tenants have applied for the statewide rent aid program that was launched to help renters avoid eviction and meet their payments. Wayne County makes up about one-third of the applicants. Detroiters make up 22% of the rent help applicants. According to the chief operating officer of the Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency, they continue to see high numbers of requests for support. The Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey reports that between Dec. 1 and Dec. 13,  more than 100,000 Michiganders said they were behind on rent or mortgage payments. Less than half of the applications for assistance were approved as of January 7. Statewide, wait time between application and approval averages 35 to 40 days. In Wayne County, that wait time may take as long as 10 weeks. MSHDA has hired staff combat the backlog and high numbers of applications in Wayne County

Expiring Covid Mortgage Bailouts Problematic for Thousands

As Covid-related mortgage bailout programs expire, hundreds of thousands of homeowners may lose or sell their homes. Out of options, borrowers who lost too much income or their businesses during the pandemic could take advantage of high equity in their homes and sell. However, data shows that has not been the trend. About a third of borrowers with at least 40% equity in their homes still go into foreclosure. Over 7 million bailed out borrowers are current on their mortgage payments. Some sold their homes or refinanced them to afford the mortgages. About half a million are in loss litigation with lenders.