Detroit Landlords Are Given An Ultimatum

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan has given bad landlords an ultimatum. If they don’t clean, sanitize and restore damaged properties from last month’s flood, they’ll be fined $250 a day. The effort may not be enough in the face of the myriad of difficulties renters face. Year-long delays with home repair grants programs, mortgage challenges, over-assessed properties and a tax foreclosure operation have made things hard. For the first time in 50 years, renters outnumber homeowners, but with a high poverty rate and scarce renter’s insurance, renters are struggling after last month’s floods. They don’t qualify for most home repair programs, nor were they protected when their landlords were foreclosed and their homes were put on the auction block. Many Detroit landlords don’t keep their rental properties in good repair. Experts believe that renter-focused policies is the answer.